Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

The Four Virtues: Temperance

This virtue is how we balance between the chores that need doing and the people that need our attention. Indulging in one or the other will make our homes chaotic. Balancing rest and work, play and chores will raise wise children and honor the responsibilities our husbands have delegated to us.

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Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

The Four Virtues: Fortitude or Courage

We don’t deny that the world is full of risk, darkness, and death just waiting to rend apart our homes and our people. We don’t deny that at all. It’s true. What we deny is its power to intimidate us into panic or apathy. We look it squarely in the eye, our candle gleaming brightly in our hands, and we endure.

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Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

The Virtues: Justice

While prudence is much a matter of our minds, even in its more practical application, justice is about how we treat people. It’s about treating people right. Justice is defined as “fairness, decency, conforming to truth.”

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