Inspiration, Practical Abby Jones Inspiration, Practical Abby Jones

Setting the Feel of the Home

One of the tools we can apply to do our work is to sit down and decide what we would like the vibe, the fragrance, of our home to be. What is the ultimate production we wish to set our hearts and hands and minds to producing? What is the ultimate fruit we are seeking to produce? What is our endgame? What are we pointing and working towards

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Inspiration, Philosophy Abby Jones Inspiration, Philosophy Abby Jones

Why Decorating Books Are Important

God decorates every space in the world with beauty, from atoms to mountains, from wildflowers to sunsets. Every minute and major element of creation is festooned with beauty. How can we look at what our Father did and then look at our homes and throw up our hands or worse deride those who love decorating? The Father loves decorating, and so should we.

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