Practical, Hospitality Abby Jones Practical, Hospitality Abby Jones

Hospitality (Part 1)

Hospitality is a worthy engagement of our time and skill. It is a worthy endeavor of the homemaker. What are we, ladies, if we’re not being hospitable? Isn’t tending to the physical and emotional needs of others the whole point of all we do? Then it should be within our reach to include others in that worthy work.

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Practical, Inspiration Abby Jones Practical, Inspiration Abby Jones

The Patience of the New Matron and the Perseverance of the Mature Matron

New Matrons are going to be tempted by discouragement because everything feels so unfamiliar and overwhelming while Mature Matrons will be tempted to boredom and stagnation because everything has become too routine and comfortable. We can help each other out of these troubles if we work together and engage each other in the grand work of homemaking. This

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