Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

Meal Planning

Meal planning is an important skill to learn as a homemaker. Start somewhere and patiently playtest until you find a system that works for you. Not meal planning leaves you open to waste and excessive spending, frustration and anxiety, and blind to what is happening in your home.

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Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones


Productivity is abundance, and abundance can be found in many places. Maybe the first place we should start is by seeking to love abundantly and to have an abundance of good attitudes.

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Inspiration Abby Jones Inspiration Abby Jones

When You Weren’t Here

Being here, being present, engaged in our homes and our churches is life-giving, life-keeping, hopeful, rebellious, screaming against the night, living by faith not by sight. Being home is true courage.

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Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

Room by Room: The Pantry

Let’s strive to be good stewards of our pantries. Let’s strive to watch our flows, our backstocks, and our decorating so that we bring order and wonder to the little corners of our worlds.

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