Systems Abby Jones Systems Abby Jones


Systems are one of the greatest tools in our tool chest of tending. They’re how we keep this thing called home grinding along. They’re how we keep things from getting missed or lost or forgotten. Everyone, even the more fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants homemakers have systems. The goal is to see them, test their legitimacy, tweak slowly, and be better keepers and tenders because of labor. Let’s roll up our sleeves, tie back our hair, and get to work!

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Inspiration Abby Jones Inspiration Abby Jones

Autumn Hygge

God promised us the changing of the seasons and the food that they would produce. Autumn is given to us to enjoy! It is a time of harvest, a promised event, and a gracious act of God. He promised us seasons and every year, when Autumn overtakes summer, God is showing His faithfulness. What is not to celebrate?

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