Inspiration Abby Jones Inspiration Abby Jones

2024 Themes: To Go on Being Boring

Don’t make the mistake I did and think that the goal is to be bored. We desire to be productive, useful, and helpful. But being a homemaker, in our heart of hearts, is to love the “boring things” because they are so far from boring as to be almost indescribable.

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Inspiration Abby Jones Inspiration Abby Jones

The Tricky Part

I adore anything and everything that romanticizes and elevates the ordinary. Anything that draws back the veil on the mundane and routine so that we can catch a fleeting glimpse of the magic working behind the scenes. For just a moment, we catch sight of the intangible

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inspiration Abby Jones inspiration Abby Jones

Speaking to Ourselves

We have a responsibility to engage in the good the Lord has provided for us. Just like a good Mom wants her children to enjoy life, our Good Lord has gifted us with many beautiful things He wants us to enjoy. Are you enjoying them?

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