Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

Room by Room: The Laundry Room

Let’s not take our laundry rooms for granted, nor disrespect our helpful machines that call that room home. It’s fine that she’s not a glamorous place like the entryway or a cozy place like the living room, but that doesn’t mean the laundry room should be ugly or mismanaged.

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Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

Doing Dishes

Lofty goals and expectations are good for us. It’s important to be diligent and to stretch ourselves. But it’s also important to correctly judge the type of work we’re called to. Our domestic arts are very cyclical and continuous. They don’t stop because we’re in the business of tending souls through ordinary things like cooking, cleaning, and laundry.

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New HearthKeepers, Practical Abby Jones New HearthKeepers, Practical Abby Jones

Letters to a Young Matron, Part 1

The other amazing thing about these three responsibilities is that they’re shallow enough for a toddler to wade at the edge of and deep enough to inspire artists, architects, engineers, scientists, and billion-dollar companies. What? You don’t see that? What are fashion, home design, restaurants, and the research of chemicals but the outward expressions of cooking, cleaning, and laundry?

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