Philosophy Abby Jones Philosophy Abby Jones

The Greatest Danger in Our Homes

Once upon a time, women were warned about how they might destroy their homes. We were put on our guard by wise men and women. We were given cautionary tales to guide us. We were aware of the dangers we might inflict on people due to our gullibility, foolishness, indiscretion, and laziness. This used to be a part of our lives. In our current storytelling, women are often raised up as almost infallible.

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Inspiration, Church Membership Abby Jones Inspiration, Church Membership Abby Jones

Group and Blog Goals

I love our group because I try to include both the practical and the attitude sides so that we’re encouraged to love what we do. I write because writing is how I process. I would not be where I’m at in my homemaking today without the writing. It focuses my thoughts, forces me to be purposed, and has helped me see areas I still need to grow. It also gives me space to think through things and then ask all of you what you think about them. This gives me some checks and balances, helps me see struggles, and be realistic.

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Personal Growth, Inspiration Abby Jones Personal Growth, Inspiration Abby Jones

The Umbrella of Homemaking, Part 3: A Personal Tale

There have been several times in my life where I’ve had to give things up that were important to me for Christ’s sake — not because they were wrong, but because they weren’t best. Each time the Lord has blessed me beyond measure. Letting go of this world and trusting Him has always proven His faithfulness, but never how I expected. I expected to go at the hard work of contentment. Who in the world is going to publish someone unknown and not even looking to be published?

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