Inspiration Abby Jones Inspiration Abby Jones


Procrastination is when we put off good but hard or annoying or anxiety-laced things for easier things, often bringing harm to us and our homes. It is a lack of self-control, diligence, and courage.

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Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

The Four Virtues: Temperance

This virtue is how we balance between the chores that need doing and the people that need our attention. Indulging in one or the other will make our homes chaotic. Balancing rest and work, play and chores will raise wise children and honor the responsibilities our husbands have delegated to us.

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Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

The Virtues: Justice

While prudence is much a matter of our minds, even in its more practical application, justice is about how we treat people. It’s about treating people right. Justice is defined as “fairness, decency, conforming to truth.”

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Philosophy Abby Jones Philosophy Abby Jones

You are not Behind, Part 1

Home should be flexible enough and long-term enough in its mentality that it is able to tend to the sick, even if the sick is you. That means pausing and doing this thing then back to other things. When someone gets sick, even if that is you, the home should be able to pause to allow you or others to recover.

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Practical Abby Jones Practical Abby Jones

To Dress or Not to Dress, that is the Question

As with every aspect of homemaking, finding the balance seems to require purpose and intentionality. It requires seeing why we do something, the boundaries of that action, and then being intentional about doing it on purpose. It requires bringing those subconscious habits out to the front of our minds so they can be examined, tested, and changed if need be, before returning them to basic muscle memory.

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Inspiration Abby Jones Inspiration Abby Jones

Winter Hygge

Winter can be harsh and hard, as many of us Texans learned early in 2021. But part of being a Proverbs 31 woman is being prepared, cheerfully prepared. Take the long dark cold of winter and make her your handmaid for planning, nesting, tending, and loving your family.

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Systems Abby Jones Systems Abby Jones


Systems are one of the greatest tools in our tool chest of tending. They’re how we keep this thing called home grinding along. They’re how we keep things from getting missed or lost or forgotten. Everyone, even the more fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants homemakers have systems. The goal is to see them, test their legitimacy, tweak slowly, and be better keepers and tenders because of labor. Let’s roll up our sleeves, tie back our hair, and get to work!

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Inspiration Abby Jones Inspiration Abby Jones

The Hunt for Simplification

What if I’ve attained that which I’ve been working so hard for but just haven’t stopped to notice? What if my life is simple, but my mind and soul are what is still frantic? What if I’m so busy hunting, I failed to realize I’ve arrived?

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Inspiration Abby Jones Inspiration Abby Jones

Domestic Artist

The world tells women to band together, that we’re a sisterhood, that we should go out and change the world, abandoning our homes before we’re relegated to only kitchen and nursery work, but reality tells me that the most amazing women I know are busy in their homes. This is sisterhood. This is where we bloom. It is here that we have flexibility.

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