Book Review: The End of Woman by Carrie Gress
Abby Jones Abby Jones

Book Review: The End of Woman by Carrie Gress

What I found in reading this book was a mirror to see places where the feminist movement had strewn bad seeds that I was still letting grow in my garden. It made me pity the women caught up in all this, and it made me better understand my current culture while running as far away from it as possible. It made me stronger and clearer and braver in my thoughts. I know where I stand and why and with whom, and it isn’t the feminist or any of their lies.

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Book Review: Happy Starts at Home
Book Review Abby Jones Book Review Abby Jones

Book Review: Happy Starts at Home

This is a home decor book plus a lifestyle book. She doesn’t tell you any of the rules of decorating, decluttering, or organizing. She doesn’t tell you how to blend patterns, what size rug you need, or how high to hang a picture. Instead, she gives you homework.

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HearthKeeper Library
Abby Jones Abby Jones

HearthKeeper Library

Please see the rules at the bottom and contact Abby to check out books or see what is currently available.

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Book Review: Susie and Divine Contentment
Book Review Abby Jones Book Review Abby Jones

Book Review: Susie and Divine Contentment

I read this book and was so convicted, but I was also greatly encouraged. I was encouraged as a wife, as a pastor’s wife, and as someone who struggles with the limitations set by her health. This book is a perfect illustration of “well-behaved women seldom make history.”

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Book Review: Summa Domestica: Order and Wonder in the Family Life
Book Review Abby Jones Book Review Abby Jones

Book Review: Summa Domestica: Order and Wonder in the Family Life

Leila shares her story, her philosophy, and her theology of home. She has some of the most down-to-earth parenting and marriage advice I’ve ever read. She talks about nursing and teenagers. She’s snarky and sarcastic. Seriously ladies, some absolutely solid parenting advice can be found in this book. She also covers homeschooling a bit and how to build a community.

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Book Review: Home-Making by J. R. Miller
Book Review Abby Jones Book Review Abby Jones

Book Review: Home-Making by J. R. Miller

I found a book about homemaking written by a man, and I was not disappointed. Yes, I had to do some translating, and I had to practice discernment, but it was refreshing to not have to slog through the subtext of the feminist lies soaking all of our culture. It was refreshing and convicting to be held to a high standard of womanhood. And it was a delight to see marriage and the home honored.

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Book Review: Naturally Healthy Woman by Shonda Parker
Abby Jones Abby Jones

Book Review: Naturally Healthy Woman by Shonda Parker

As someone who has for various reasons always struggled to master my health and my understanding of female health, this book was a great place to start. It doesn’t go into too many gory details that make me feel ill, or into such deep scientific explanations that my eyes glaze over. I’m feeling more confident about my health and my understanding of how my body works than I was before.

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