The Patience of the New Matron and the Perseverance of the Mature Matron
New Matrons are going to be tempted by discouragement because everything feels so unfamiliar and overwhelming while Mature Matrons will be tempted to boredom and stagnation because everything has become too routine and comfortable. We can help each other out of these troubles if we work together and engage each other in the grand work of homemaking. This
Doing the Hard Things in Community
The real challenge, the hard thing we must do is express amazement at marriage, children, housekeeping, and church membership. Our hearts are Babylon, and we must plant flowers there and wait on the Lord. We must do the hard thing of rejoicing in the laundry, cooking, cleaning, and dishes. We must find the delight in the opportunities that sickness provides to closely tend. We must be thankful, even joyous in the grief, burdens, and exhaustion. We were made for this and we do the hard things.
Holiday Productivity
Productivity is better measured by the love of our traditions not the number of them. It is measured by the delight and wonder of our people not the number of parties we rush to. It’s measured by the joy and enjoyment of food, not by how much food. It is measured by our hearts not our stuff.
Femininity (Part 2)
Ladies, we must realize we have been robbed of everything that defines us by the feminist movement. They’ve erased all that is good, all our natural gifts and graces, and left us with only the worst of ourselves to carry into the night.
Meal Planning
Meal planning is an important skill to learn as a homemaker. Start somewhere and patiently playtest until you find a system that works for you. Not meal planning leaves you open to waste and excessive spending, frustration and anxiety, and blind to what is happening in your home.
Productivity is abundance, and abundance can be found in many places. Maybe the first place we should start is by seeking to love abundantly and to have an abundance of good attitudes.
Complaining will rot our souls, ruin our homes, and destroy our relationships with our husbands, our children, and our churches.
So You Want to be a Homemaker? (Part 4)
When you get to know people, you start to learn about needs. This is where you plug in and become part of the knitting circle yourself.
So You Want to be a Homemaker? (Part 3)
It will take a lot of thought and prudence to decide whether to accept or reject promotions, to set boundaries, and to communicate with your boss. Keep in mind that your goal is to be home and make room for your husband to provide and for you to produce.
So You Want to be a Homemaker? (Part 2)
All the media and modern myths you imbibe act as if feminism is an accepted truth filled with good, as the above quote says. It’s the modern philosophy we aren’t supposed to question. You will have to do the hard hard work of digging it out of your own heart, because believe me, it’s there.
So You Want To Be a Homemaker? (Part 1)
Come join our knitting circle! Sit down and join the conversation of tending, growing, nurturing, cleaning, cooking, and laundry that has cycled through woman after woman after woman since creation.
Why Decorating Books Are Important
God decorates every space in the world with beauty, from atoms to mountains, from wildflowers to sunsets. Every minute and major element of creation is festooned with beauty. How can we look at what our Father did and then look at our homes and throw up our hands or worse deride those who love decorating? The Father loves decorating, and so should we.
Room by Room: The House
When it is all said and done, our homes and how we use them—be it one room in our parent’s house or a full home with extra nooks and crannies to spare—are what makes our homes home. They should reflect the people who live here, their needs, comforts, and personalities.
Defining Our Terms
Most of us are familiar with these definitions, but definitions can themselves be instructive and encouraging.
Room by Room: Bathrooms
Sometimes just getting a little something new for your bathroom can inspire you to take it more seriously. Try to make it a place that brings a smile to your face. If you notice you’re avoiding a room or the responsibilities attached to that room, it might be because you feel defeated.
Delighting in Sunday
One of the things we should garden in our homes is delight for the Lord’s Day. The Lord’s Day is our one true holiday. It’s a celebration!
The Greatest Danger in Our Homes
Once upon a time, women were warned about how they might destroy their homes. We were put on our guard by wise men and women. We were given cautionary tales to guide us. We were aware of the dangers we might inflict on people due to our gullibility, foolishness, indiscretion, and laziness. This used to be a part of our lives. In our current storytelling, women are often raised up as almost infallible.
Room by Room: The Porch
Porches should truly be considered rooms in our homes. They’re one more place we can gather and tend our families. They’re one more place we can help our people rest and regenerate. They’re one more place we can offer to friends and family to enjoy.
When You Weren’t Here
Being here, being present, engaged in our homes and our churches is life-giving, life-keeping, hopeful, rebellious, screaming against the night, living by faith not by sight. Being home is true courage.