The Umbrella of Homemaking (Part 1)
If femininity isn’t defined strictly, what if I’m not being feminine? Welcome to freedom. Freedom is a heart matter. Freedom requires you to judge yourself and not your neighbor, and oh how we hate this. We would so much rather not judge ourselves and gleefully judge our neighbor.
Freedom says you make your home according to your husband’s leading, coupled with your gifts, sensibilities, and tastes, within the bounds of providence.
HearthKeeping and the Five Senses
Using the five senses to manage homemaking requires purposefulness and intentionality. We can’t have our head in the clouds, or be so frantic we’re rushing through life, or so discontent we just wish it all away. Noticing the five senses doesn’t require us to overturn our lives. We start small. It takes time to retrain mental habits. Start by just being thankful for temporary gifts filling this world. Once we start, worship fills our hearts. Thankfulness filling our hearts will go further in making home a delight than all the things money can buy.
Self-Application: An Important Skill
Being a woman isn’t easy. Being a HearthKeeper isn’t a job for wimps. It is hard work, lots of growth, ever-changing, presenting constant new challenges, and requiring us to constantly renew our love for it and remember why we chose this life. It is a vast field of endeavors often overlooked by everyone. It is mundane and it is magic. Practice discernment. A woman with littles is living a life different than a woman with teens, as different as the life of a single woman compared to a married woman. This means we can all read the same article and yet have to pass on parts, embrace other parts, feel convicted by one thing and not convicted by another. This is not only true here, but in all of life. Life as pilgrims in this world requires wisdom and discernment.
Autumn Hygge
God promised us the changing of the seasons and the food that they would produce. Autumn is given to us to enjoy! It is a time of harvest, a promised event, and a gracious act of God. He promised us seasons and every year, when Autumn overtakes summer, God is showing His faithfulness. What is not to celebrate?
Home is for Us Too
How are we supposed to fill our homes with a sense of comfort, enjoyment, nesting, and beauty if we hate it all and don’t see ourselves in it? If we don’t cook food we enjoy, don’t have decorations that we love, and organization that works for us, we’re going to fill our homes with constant complaints. Don’t make the work harder than it needs to be and don’t think you’re somehow more holy if you’re more dour.
The Hunt for Simplification
What if I’ve attained that which I’ve been working so hard for but just haven’t stopped to notice? What if my life is simple, but my mind and soul are what is still frantic? What if I’m so busy hunting, I failed to realize I’ve arrived?
Cooking: Let’s Talk About Food
Food has been a bastion of HearthKeeping from the dawn of time. Men are the breadwinners, but women are the bread makers.
HearthKeeping and Serving the Church
Us cooking nourishing meals, cleaning our homes, washing sheets, encouraging rest, planting flowers, tending our shelters, clothing, and food is tending the church. Who do you think makes up the church?
Don’t allow yourself to be mentally lazy. I get it. We’re all busy, busy, busy, but if we’re so busy we can’t study theology even for a few minutes, we might need to reassess our priorities. Your children need to see this in you. I remember getting up in the morning as a teen to get ready for work and always finding my Mom up before everyone else reading her Bible and memorizing Scripture. I remember her engaging with my Dad in family worship, in Saturday night theological reading, and lots of theological discussions. That is a legacy given to all five of us kids that can’t compare with any other earthly inheritance.
Little Suzy Homemaker
It’s so easy to slip into feeling judged and then back-pedal on what you believe to relieve that sense of judgment. It’s so easy to say what you think people want to hear, so that you don’t have to deal with conflict.